amazarashi ミサイル english translation

amazarashi ミサイル song lyrics
amazarashi ミサイル translation
取り返しの付かない未来は 今更どうすることも出来ないと
The future meant for us is written in stone. There's nothing we can do about it now
鈍色に輝きをくすぶらせて ワンルームのベッドの中で不貞寝している
I lie in bed, furious, as I try to get some sleep within the gray twinkle of this smoke-stained room
つけっぱなしにしたテレビでは アナウンサーが黒い服を着て
An announcer dressed head to toe in black appeared on the TV I'd left switched on
参列者に話を聞いている 「未来がお亡くなりになりました」
The guest brought on for today's episode said, "There's no future left for us anymore."
While the news story of a missile attack against a terrorist encampment plays in the background
My dreams fill up with all my worries over the months worth of rent money I've yet to pay
Over these lives of ours you'd never know unless you looked from above
Grazing our heads as they go, all these missiles take to the skies

僕らの自由とはミサイルで 僕らの自由とは平和主義で
What is permitted us are these missiles. What is permitted us is our pacifism
全てを作り直したくて 全てを壊してみたりする
We want so badly to change the world. But first it must be blown to smithereens
僕らの自由とは芸術で 僕らの自由とはリストカットで
What is permitted us is our artistry. What is permitted us is self-injury
全ての人に認められたくて 全ての人を憎んだりする
We want so badly to be accepted that in the end we've come to hate everybody

誰が悪いとか 言ったって 等しく惨めに命を這いずって
We talk about how awful everyone is. About how all of our lives are equally sad
「死にたくねぇ」と言えばそれですんでしまう それだけに何百小節も費やして
Yet I've spent so many verses on how all that talk ends when you realize you don't want to die
Each of the many motives of the 30,000 who kill themselves every year
Is used as material by we songwriters like it's some kind of late-night variety show
人生の気まずさを 穴埋めしたいが為の大義を
Over the disgusting parts of life and the crusade to make it right
Grazing our heads as they go, all these missiles take to the skies

僕らの自由とは心療内科で 僕らの自由とは承認欲求で
What is permitted us are therapy and pills. What is permitted us is society's approval
全ての人に優しくされたくて 傷ついた振りをしてみたりする
We want everybody to keep treating us well. So we keep pretending like we've been hurt
僕らの自由とは信仰で 僕らの自由とは唯物論で
What is permitted us is religiosity. What is permitted us is materialism
全て人のためだと言い聞かせて 奪い合っていたりする
And if you tell us it's for the good of humanity, it'll just become a dog-eat-dog world

固有名詞に放たれた銃声は 僕らにとっては時報程の響きで
A proper noun like a shot heard around the world has all the force of a time signal
上空を通り過ぎたミサイルは 未だ誰の「心」にも落下せず
The missiles reach the zenith of their arcs, yet to reach the hearts of their targets
The inevitable conclusion of a life lived steeped in self-indulgence
Is unexpectedly linked with the anxiety of living in these dark times

「どうせならこの もやもやを ろくでもないこの世界を」
And so, to this depressing and ultimately good-for-nothing world
なんて口走る自己弁護を 吹き飛ばしてくれよ
Or rather, to such a self-serving excuse, blow them all to kingdom come

僕らの自由とは帰らぬ日々で 僕らの自由とはこぼれるひとしずくで
What is permitted us are days spent away from home. What is permitted us is the drop of liquid we spilled
全て願えば報われると 明けない夜に願ってる
We pray during this eternal night that all of our prayers will soon be answered
僕らの自由とは背徳で 僕らの自由とは不自由で
What is permitted us is corruption. What is permitted us is destitution
ただ一つを手にするために 全てを投げ捨てたりする
In order to gain even a single thing, we're willing to risk everything we have