amazarashi 匿名希望 english translation

amazarashi 匿名希望 song lyrics
amazarashi 匿名希望 translation
バイトに向かう電車の中で うざい背広どもを睨みつけて
Taking the train to work, those noisy suits glare at me
イヤフォンで鳴る割ったmp3 知る人ぞ知る新人インディーズ
Music split by the earbuds, a new indies song you either know or don't
皆と同じはださいから って皆と同じ事をのたまい
"Such a typical song", I say just as everyone else
何者かになれるはずだった まだチャンスが来ないだけだった
I should be close to someone by now, I've haven't had the chance yet

メンヘラと知って逃げ出したんだ 2、3回やっただけのあの娘が
Knowing my mental health, she ran quite a few times, that girl
置いてったバンドのCDだが 女々しくてとても聴けたもんじゃない
Couldn't even bear to listen to the girly CD she'd left behind
メジャーに行ったらごり押しされて 売れ線になったら用無しだな
You get pushed around when you get big, it's worthless to sell well
入り口のワゴンセールは まるで商業音楽の墓場
The wagon vender at the entrance is just the grave of commercial music

傷つけられたから 傷つけてやった
Because I was hurt, I wound up hurting others
それなのにイライラは 終わらない 終わらない
It's just so annoying, why won't it end?!

悩み多き君の 日々に平穏を 持たざる者には 悪あがきの力を
To peaceful days for the troubled you, those with nothing and the vain struggle
痛み多き君の 明日に光を 僕は君の代弁者じゃない 匿名を希望
Light for the tomorrow of you who's so hurt. I don't wish to be your spokesman, I wish to remain anonymous

やりたい事やり続ける為に あがき続けて半死半生だ
In order to continue doing the things I want to do, I continue this struggle half-dead, half-alive
それでも無気力に生きるよりは 大分ましだって知ってしまった
Instead of living lethargically. I ended up knowing too much
あいつに才能があるはずない 大した人間であるわけない
There's no way she has any talent, it's not like she's an important human being
そもそもこの世はクズしかいない 同意するがそろそろ進みたい
To begin with, this world is just a waste. I agree but I want to go on already

傷つけられたけど 怒りも湧かないよ
I was hurt, but anger doesn't even boil
なんて言える程 大人じゃない くだらない
I'm not adult enough to say such a thing. Nonsense

悩み多き君の 日々に平穏を 持たざる者には 悪あがきの力を
To peaceful days for the troubled you, those with nothing and the vain struggle
痛み多き君の 明日に光を 僕は君の代弁者じゃない 匿名を希望
Light for the tomorrow of you who's so hurt. I don't wish to be your spokesman, I wish to remain anonymous

「ゴミみたいな歌ばかり作って あいつはもう枯れてしまった」
Making only garbage-like music, she already withered away
散々文句ばかり言いやがる あれはかつての僕自身だった
Only giving an earful like that, that was my past self
文句があるならやってみせろよ 自分で自分の首を絞めて
If you have any complaints, I'll show you. I put my own head in the noose
遂には追いつめられたステージ際 せめて存在を叫んだ
And finally, at the edge of the cornered stage, at least I shouted out my existence

悩み多き僕の 歌に結実を 声無き声には 抵抗の扇動を
So that there's fruition in songs for me, as I am overwhelmed by worries. For the voiceless voices, resistance to incitement
痛み多き僕の 過去に終止符を 君の代弁者は君以外にいない 匿名の希望
So that there's an end to the past for me, as I am overwhelmed by pain. Only you can be your spokesperson