Shahin Najafi Ninoush english translation

Shahin Najafi Ninoush song lyrics
Shahin Najafi Ninoush translation
منو به حال خودم بذار، این مَردو
leave me alone with my feelings, this man
منو تمام پلشتیِ این دردو
me and this whole pain
که قد تمام کرم های عالم دوستَت دارم
that I love you as much as all the worms of the universe
که قد تمامیِ دوش ها میبارم
that I'm raining as much as all the showers
که درد میکشم قد پریود های هفت روزِت
that i'm in pain as much as your seven day's period
که سردرد میکنم به سردردهای مرموزت
that i get headache for your suspicious headaches
که با صدای تو
That with your voice...
قطع کنم؟ ، نه بمان هنوز
"do i hang up?" no.. stay still
که دوستم داری کمی بیشتر از دیروز
that "do you love me?" a bit more than yesterday
که لای سینه های تو بی هوا گریه شَوم
that i suddenly Cry out between your breasts
که مست توی کوچه های غمت بِدَوَم
that i run drunk in your saddness alleys
که لای سینه های تو بی هوا گریه شَوم
that i suddenly Cry out between your breasts
که مست توی کوچه های غمت بِدَوَم
that i run drunk in your saddness alleys
ببین این تختِ خوابِ شکسته دائم استرس داره
look... this broken bed is constantly stressed
ببین این چراغِ خوابِ سوخته هم هنوز بیداره
look... this burnt sleep lamp is still awake
ببین بَنان چطور با صدای من بغض کرده
look how Banan is sobbed with my voice
که اشک های سرِ شب تازه اول کاره
That fresh-night tears... it's just the begining
به مادرت بگو نَفست چقدر غمگین است
Tell your mother how sad your sweetheart is
که حبسیده در خود و رمز جان کندنش این است
that he has grated himself and that's the secret of his death
که رو به روی آب نشسته سراب میبیند
that he sees the mirage sitting infront of the sea
فقط شکنجه شکنجه عذاب میبیند
he is only getting tortured and tormented
که لای سینه های تو بی هوا گریه شود
that he suddenly Cry out between your chest
که مست توی کوچه های غمت بِدَود
that he run drunk in your saddness alleys
که لای سینه های تو بی هوا گریه شود
that he suddenly Cry out between your chest
که مست توی کوچه های غمت بِدَود
that he run drunk in your saddness alleys
همیشه به اندازه ی یک یتیم خواب میدیدی
You always dreamed as much as an orphan
تو از نبود و من از بودِ پدر ترسیدیم
you were afraid of not existing and i was afraid of existence of father
میان داشته ها هر دو بی پدر بودیم
among properties we both were fatherless
میان سکته و سرطان هر دو دَربِدَر بودیم
among apoplexy and the cancer, we both were vagrant
به جان تو بانو نخورده مست بیهوشم
i swear to you lady, i'm drunk and tipsy without drinking
تو فرض کن درد تکیلاست که مینوشم
suppose the pain is the tequila that I drink
تو فرض کن این آخرین بیت شعر من باشد
suppose this is my last poem
که ضجّه میزنم و مینویسم و نی،نینوشم
that i lament and write and i drink from my soul
که ضجّه میزنم و مینویسم . .
that i lament and write...
که ضجّه میزنم و مینویسم . .
that i lament and write...
که ضجّه میزنم و مینویسم . .
that i lament and write...